We had Thanksgiving with Daddy's sid eof the family today. It was a great afternoon, I loved playing with my cousins, seeing my Aunts and Uncles and the best part was playing with Nico. Food was delicious Grandma. Kids table with olive fingers Adult table of 15
Nonna, Papa and I sang Happy Birthday to Turkey on Thanksgiving. I also learned I'm A Little Tea Pot while I was in Georgia. Check me singing them both.
Make sure to turn down the sound at the bottom of the blog so you can hear us sing
Today was traveling day for mommy, daddy and me. We went to the Waffle House for breakfast came back to Nonna and Papa's and made sure our bags were packed, then it was off to the airport. I was sad to leave, I had a great time with my Nonna and Papa. I did very well on the plane ride home. I ate some lunch, slept, watched Shrek, watched some Nickelodeon, and sat in my seat the whole time. It is good to be home but I was sad to leave Georgia. Checking out our plane
Thanksgiving night, Nonna mommy and me went over to Honey's house to see Walker and his momma and Dada. We played kitchen, played music, colored, played with blocks, and made Jen Jen get us ice. I enjoyed seeing Walker and his family.
We started the morning by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade while eating breakfast. I got to see my favorite character, Shrek perform in the parade and he was also one of the giant balloons. Nonna and I blew the leaves off the drive way and I played on the deck a little and at 1pm everyone came over to Nonna and Papa's to eat Thanksgiving lunch. It was fun seeing all my relatives again on Nonna's side. We had a good day. This is Nonna and Papa's turkey
There he is: Shrek
What a view huh?
Pilgram hat Turkey Hat
Bubble time outside with cousins
Mommy loves this picture she took of Rocky and his bubble
Playing with Aunt Betty
Trying to get a family pic
Still trying, when they look I don't and when I look they don't
We started the tradition last year of going to Lenox Square to ride the Pink Pig so today we went today to go ride the Macy's Pink Pig. I loved the ride, seeing the Pricilla, and shopping in the Pink Pig shop. After riding the Pink Pig daddy got me a cookie and I went to talk with Santa. I can't wait till next year to visit the Pink Pig again.
Nonna, Papa and I collected leaves on the deck and through them off this morning. Then we had to make brownies and watergate salad for tomorrow. For lunch we met more Nonna's cousin for lunch up at Johnny's BBQ. So deliciousWant a kiss??? Can I dip my finger Nonna??Time to make watergate salad.Papa even came and helpedThis is Sarah and Conner. They are Nonna's cousin Jan's grandkidsDaddy, mommy and me