Last night we went to Grnadma Chi Chi's house in Huntington Beach because Aunt Michelle was in town from Las Vegas with Jorban and Rich. Mommy and daddy had lots of fun talking and catching up with everyone. Mommy also had a small photo session with Lucas for Aunt Rachael. I had a great time with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Papa Lee, Grandma Chi Chi, Pappy, Aunt Rachael, Uncle Andy, Lucas, Grandma Paula, Robert, Brittany, Aunt Michelle, Rich, Jordan, Aunt Ryann, Uncle Jeremy. (I think I got everyone)
Aunt Michelle
Grandma Paula
Aunt Ryann has Lucas and Uncle Jeremy has me (they are ready to babysit)
Grandma Chi Chi with me, Aunt Ryann, Aunt Rachael, and Lucas
Kisses from Grandma ChiChi

Lucas Andrew Law
Aunt Rachael and her BABY!
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