I turned 1 today! Mommy and daddy have had an exciting year watching me, their baby girl, grow and change. Mommy said a year has gone so fast since I was a tiny 7 lb 7 oz. baby who only ate, slept, and pooped. Now I am a 1 year old that crawls, babbles, laughs, and smiles.
13 facts about ME on my birthday, August 13th!
1. I know mama and dada and point them out
2. I love to eat, anything
3. I can clap my hands
4. I pull up and cruise (taking a few steps on my own)
5. I have 6 teeth with 1 more coming in
6. I have been on 5 vacations
7. I love my bath time
8. Everything seems to go in my mouth
9. I love the Foster Farm and Stanly Steamer commercials
10. I can point to Bodie when asked where he is
11. I love to be outside
12. I can wave bye-bye
13. I am a happy, sweet, adorable little 1 year old
13 facts about ME on my birthday, August 13th!
1. I know mama and dada and point them out
2. I love to eat, anything
3. I can clap my hands
4. I pull up and cruise (taking a few steps on my own)
5. I have 6 teeth with 1 more coming in
6. I have been on 5 vacations
7. I love my bath time
8. Everything seems to go in my mouth
9. I love the Foster Farm and Stanly Steamer commercials
10. I can point to Bodie when asked where he is
11. I love to be outside
12. I can wave bye-bye
13. I am a happy, sweet, adorable little 1 year old
I had a very busy and fun day. Check out all the things I did on my 1st birthday.
First I had breakfast with Nonna and Papa
I liked the Cheerios Picture with my mama
Took my monthly picture with my teddy bear
12 months old
I have learned to say "I'm ONE!!"
Standing nice and tall all on my own
I now get to face front in the car, yippee!
We went to Toys R Us and I got a balloon and crown. They even said my name over the load speaker.
I went to Nordstroms to get my first pair of shoes
Checking out my new shoes in the mirror, I had to make sure they looked good on
I was a little tuckered out from all the shopping. See my DVD player down, I got to watch Elmo.
Dinner at Road House.
Singing Happy Birthday to me, I had a singing candle!
I love cupcake and whip cream
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