Happy Easter!
The Easter bunny came to my house and left me a BIG basket of wonderful Easter goodies. There was a Big Bird, an Abby and Elmo coloring book, crayons, Alphabet flash cards, a puzzle, bracelets, a flower, and a cookie all in my basket. After seeing what the Easter bunny left me we went to breakfast at Pop's with Grammy, Grandpa, and Auntie. Auntie shared her Pixie Stick with me that she got in her Easter basket. I also got a Bunny with candy from one of the regulars we see every week at Pop's. Once we got home from breakfast I found all the eggs that the Easter bunny hid for me. They were filled with necklaces, rings, a horn and candy. I had fun collecting all the eggs into my basket.
For dinner we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and had another Easter egg hunt with my cousins, Stewart and Rosslyn. We had different eggs to look for. Mine was Elmo!! We had a yummy dinner and dessert was great too. I got white chocolate covers strawberry's and a cupcake. Hope everyone had a Happy, Hoppy Easter. I sure did.
Thanks Easter Bunny!
Thanks Easter Bunny!

Even Bodie got a treat on Easter, if you look close you can see his tongue reaching for the rawhide.
Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's
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