Today my Auntie Ryann got married to Jeremy Davis. It was a wonderful day. Mommy went to the hotel to be with Auntie Ryann at 9:30am. She brought breakfast of champs, McDonald's and Aunt Rachael brought the caffeine, Starbucks! They had a great morning/afternoon watching Auntie Ryann get ready, taking pictures for the photographer and videographer and chatting. Once it was time to leave the bridesmaid, bride and bride's mom jumped in the limo and were off to the Clark Estates. Auntie Ryann and Jeremy saw each other for the first time there before the wedding and took pictures with family, friends and the bridal party. Grammy brought me to the the Clark Estates around 3:30 and I could not wait to put on my dress. At 4pm the festivities were started and Auntie Ryann got to relax in the brides room before the ceremony. (they had a cocktail hour with a band prior to the wedding) Jeremy and Auntie Ryann's favorite Irish band played, The Hooligans. Once the wedding started I could not wait to walk down the aisle with my flowers. I got to walk with mommy and I stated off well then I just dumped the whole basket of petals, it was pretty cute so I have been told. Once we walked down the aisle I went and sat with Grammy, Pa and Auntie Brittany. Mommy said the ceremony was beautiful and perfectly fit Auntie Ryann and Jeremy. The reception started shortly after with lots of fun and exciting things. A pirate stopped by because it was national talk like a pirate day, Aunt Candi danced (hula), 3 girls did an Irish dance, and we got to watch some nice videos of Jeremy and Ryann gowing up that included their family and friends. They had a photo booth and lots of people were having fun taking pictures in it and scrapbooking them into the guest book and the best part was I got to stay for the WHOLE time, I had a ball.
Congratulations to the new couple
Jeremy and Ryannlee Davis
Daddy, Mommy and me were all in the wedding
Congratulations to the new couple
Jeremy and Ryannlee Davis
At the hotel getting ready to go

Brittany (Jeremy's sister), Ashley, Mommy, Auntie Ryann, Auntie Rachael, Rachel, and Shannon
Almost time
Here come the flowers girl
Starting off with 1 petal
Giving his little girl away to Jeremy

Giving his little girl away to Jeremy
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