I have been asking to get my ear pierced for over a month. I am not really sure if I knew the process that had to happen to get my earrings but I kept asking for them every so often. Today when we went to the mall to buy mommy and daddy new sheets because they got a new bed mommy asked me if i wanted to get my ears pierced and I said "yes". She had asked me about a week ago when we went to Brea Mall with the Law's to see Santa and I said the same thing "yes" but then when it was my turn I said "no don't want them". This time I got in the chair with mommy and I was ready to get my ears pierced. We picked out which earrings to get, then the lady cleaned my ears, she used a pen to mark where they were going to pierce them, then BOOM the shock of getting my ears pierced. Yes I cried but it did not last long. Daddy and mommy let me pick out a Princess Ariel Lip Stick and said we would go get a cookie for how brave I was. Mommy says she thinks she was more scared than me, but we were both brave and now I have my ears pierced. Such a BIG girl! (mommy did not have the big camera on her because she was not anticipating this event happening today so all the pictures of getting my ears done were taken with daddy's iPhone)
Picking out earrings for ME!!!
Picking out earrings for ME!!!

Marking my ears, right
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