Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

We started the morning by making Santa some chocolate chip cookies.  We then went over to Grammy and Pa's house so Mikaela could give Auntie her gift and open gifts from them.  Once we got back home Matt and Mikaela set up our train out in the front yard, better late than never.  Then they set up the Polar Express train in the house.  We then headed to Riverside for dinner with the family and then to Ontario for dessert at Aunt Jane's house.  We got home set the cookies out for Santa, tucked the girls in and went to bed.  It was a busy day but a good one.

She loves to cook
Play-Doh with Pa
Train time

A small cat nap before heading to dinner
Our Family (minus Jesse and Wendy)

Mikaela is asleep
Addison is asleep

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