Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Colorado- Day 2

We had snow this morning.  It was beautfiul to sit on the couch and watch the snow come down.  All the kids loved it and of course we had to go out and play in it.  So we put on our snow gear and headed outsde to walk around.   Later that night we went on a sleigh ride.

Our little monkey

And out little pumpkin
Standing at the bottom of the ski slopes right outside the door to our place

The Village
Grandma on out balcony
The icicles

Attempting snow angles

Headed to out sleigh ride

It was so cold, she was not a happy sleigh rider
Grandma and Gradnpa took us on a sleigh ride.  Let's just say it was FREEZING
Bath time
Mikaela thought it would be fun to wear Addison's jacket.  Too funny

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