We headed to Disneyland today once Matt got home from work. It was not too crowded and we meet up with the Law's for a wonderful night. We went over to Disneyland first and did Small World, Toon Town, Tea Cups and Buzz. We then went over to California Adventure road Mermaid, ate dinner, went on the swings, Jumping Jellyfish, the rockets, fast passed Souring and headed to Monsters Inc, which was closed but we were now in the middle of ElecTRONica. Who knew this would be a big hit with the kids. Mikaela LOVED dancing. She also loved the glowing hula hoops. Gwen and Addison also loved dancing around. Who knew it would be a hit. Monster's Inc then opened up and we went on it. Then Rachael, Andy, Luc, Mikaela and I headed over to catch our Souring fast pass time while Matt walked around with Gwen and Addison. Once out of Souring we headed out and caught a gimps of the fireworks from Disneyland. It was a great night to be at the Happiest Place.

In a boat all to ourselves. Mikaela loved it.

Addison LOVES Small World

Addison did alright being that close to Mickey. No tears, yeah

First time on the tea cups

I told her to hold the handle and she made a face like she was sipping the tea

Perry the Platypus
Buddies: Mikaela and Luc
On the rockets together in their own seat
The daddy's looking up at us
ElecTRONica in full action
One of my dancers from CSULB
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