I took the girls in to the doctor today. Mikaela needed her exam for Kindergarten and Addison was due for some shots. Addison's stats: 28lbs 12.5oz and is 32in. tall. Mikaela's stats: 38lbs and 42in. tall. It is funny how the are both 10lbs and 10in. away from each other. Mikaela did great on her hearing test and eye exam. And she was a great big sister to Addison while the Dr listened to her heart, she sat right next to her. Mikaela told the nurse that Addison was going first for her shots. She cried a little, I held her and got her to calm down. Now it was the BIG sisters turn. Well that didn't go as well. She had a very hard time with her shots. Both girls got 3 shots and Mikaela got a TB test. After the traumatic shots we went to Jamba Juice for a treat.

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