I realized yesterday with talking about Grammy, Grandma, Grandpa some of you might not realize I have 4 sets of them. (2 real and 2 as close to real as you can get) I thought some clarification would be good.
Once mommy started look for pictures for this post she realized that she does not have lots of pictures of me and my grandparents.
Nonna and Papa: mommy's parents
My Nonna and Papa live in Georgia but I get to see them on our WebCam
Grandma and Grandpa Stevens: daddy's parents
This was taking at the Riverfloat, Grandma and Grandpa go camping a lot in there Motor home
Grammy and Grandpa
They live about 3 minutes from our house and I love going over and playing with Bam Bam and Sugar Baby their kitties. Mommy has know them since their daughter, Auntie Brittany started dancing at the dance studio 16 years ago.
Grandma ChiChi and Pappie
Mommy has know them since she was 3 years old, they own the dance studio where mommy works. Santa Fe Springs Center for the Performing Arts. They also watched me on Monday's when mommy went back to work the first semester. It was twin Monday with me and Lucas.
Wow what an old picture huh, this was my first trip to the dance studio. Only 3 weeks old.
Hope this clears up some Grandparent misunderstandings anyone might have. Maybe some day I will tell you all about ALL my Aunties and Uncles. HAHA
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