Today I am 18 months old, a year and a half, 78 weeks, 547 days old!
Mommy just can't believe how fast time has gone and what a big girl I am now (25lbs 9oz. to be exact, even though this is not what I think mommy means by big haha)
Here is a small list of the many words I am saying:
Elmo, Mommy (mama), Dada, Papa, Grandpa, please, ight night, dog, outside, ball, shoes
Here is a list of 18 special things about me:
1. I love to watch Elmo
2. Loves to read books before taking a nap or going to bed
3. Only needs about 5 more teeth to come in
4. LOVES to clean (I even tried to clean the rocks at Disneyland)
5. Can point to all my body parts when asked where they are
6. Is a champ sleeper and napper
7. Loves to get dressed up
8. Owns LOTS of shoes, a true girl
9. Loves to walk around pushing baby in the stroller, purse on her arm and phone in hand
10. Tries to jump
11. Can't seem to eat enought Chex Mix
12. Comprehends very well and almost repeats anything you say
13. Enjoys her "computer" time with Nonna and Papa
14. Can eat very well with a fork
15. Climbs everything
16. Loves to go to the Babysitters
17. Enjoys time with all my gradparents
18. Is just cute, too darn cute!!!!!!!!!

Mommy took me to Chucky Cheese today. Auntie Britany and Grammy came with us. I had so much fun playing the games and riding the rides.
Collecting my tickets to get my prize

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