Valentine's Day, the day to share your LOVE with the people you love. Mommy says isn't that everyday. Well today is Valentine's and it has been one to remember. This morning at breakfast I was a little crabby and kept poking at my right ear. (the left was the last infected one) Mommy and me were going to go to Target after breakfast but I did not want Grammy to leave so she came with us. We made a pit stop at Petco to get Bodie some food, Grammy and I stayed in the car and watched Monsters Inc (which I can scream like a monster now) Once mommy got back in the car I was in so much pain and did not stop pulling at my ear and crying. Mommy asked me "Tell mommy what hurts?" I pointed to my right ear and said "AWEEEEEE." Urgent Care was right behind Petco so off we went AGAIN (the 4th time since the first of the year) to Urgent Care. Sure enough another ear infection, right ear. Now we were suppose to have a doctors appointment on Monday but that one will now be canceled till we finish this medicine and mommy says she is going to get very demanding with the doctor to see a specialist. This is just way too many she says. As far as my hearing is concerned mommy (she knows she is not a doctor) thinks I am doing pretty well because I comprehend great and can repeat words very very well. At this point she is really upset because of all the ear infections but knows she is doing the right thing by taking me to the doctor, now it is just time to get some big answers she says.
OK back to Valentine's Day, I got a very special treat today, Candy Hearts. I got to open my cards and also I got a small car with Elmo in it. I has been a beautiful Valentine's Day and I got to spend it with both Mommy and Daddy. Aunt Rachael and Luc came over to for dinner tonight to end this Valentine's Day. Luc and I had so much fun playing and running all over the house. He also gave each other Valentine's. :)
Smiling with mommy
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