Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Mommy and I took Grammy, Pa, and Auntie to BJ's Pizza in Downey tonight. I was a character, here are some of my funny faces of the night.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Playing with Nonna and Papa

I had a great time with Nonna and Papa and I can't wait to go see them in November. Talking on the phone with Papa
Reading with Nonna
Blocks with both of them
Dancing with my Papa

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brownie Making with Nonna

Nonna, Mommy and I made brownies today. I had lots of fun baking in the kitchen with them both.
This is my cute apron that Grammy got me. It says A.S.A.P=As Southern As PossibleHere we go...............
Nonna helped me pour the oil I poured the waterand craked the egg
Mix it up, stir and stir
Oh this is so good 28 minutes on the timerChecking to see if they are ready

Visiting the Law's

Gwenyth and Auntie Rachael came home from the hospital today so we went to go visit. I thought she was so cute and tiny. This was the first time mommy got to hold Gwenyth, so she very excited. Congratulation Andy, Rachael and Lucas on Gwenyth's arrival.Kisses to the baby

Luc also gives kisses

Busy Thursday with Nonna and Papa

Nonna, Papa, mommy and me had great Thursday. We started by heading to Gymboree to play and be "Fine Feathered Friends" We grabbed lunch at Chick-fil-A then dropped Papa off at his old work to visit with friends. Nonna, mommy and me then went shopping at Kohl's. Thanks Nonna for the clothes. We then picked Papa back up and came home. Nonna and I played kitchen and made lots of yummy food. It was a good day. Papa helping me out
Learning about birds
Angelina Ballerina
My cute straw hat
Trying to put Papa socks on him

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Johnny Rebs and Pirate Park

We meet Grammy, Pa, Pam, and Auntie Brittany for dinner tonight at Johnny Rebs. I got to eat fried okra and fried pickles, yummy. After dinner we went to the Pirate park and played. It is a very neat park in Bellflower.

Rock climbing
SLIDE!!!!!!!!!! Playing in the fountain with Auntie Brittany