Saturday, July 30, 2011

OC Fair

We love going to the OC Fair and once again it did not disappoint us.  We ate lots of delicious food (fried everything), Mikaela rode some rides, went to the petting zoo, looking at the animals and shopped.  We had a wonderful evening. 
Auntie showing Addison the baby chicks
Pa letting Mikaela pet the baby chicks
Grammy bought Mikaela and umbrella and they put her name on it

Petting zoo
It was crazy in there.  Those animals love to get feed and will eat anything

Mikaela was spacific on which animals she wanted to feed, she would generally pick the ones that were laying down or not bothering her.  She told a few of them to "get away"

The deer

Auntie and Mikaela
A ride with mommy

Ferris Wheel with daddy

Watching her daddy and sister

She loves snakes
Love this
The biggest cow EVER
Finally pony ride time

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mothers Beach- July 29

We went to the beach again this week.  This time with a whole new group of friends.  It is so nice to get together with my friends and there kids or grandkids.  Auntie, Leslie and Rylie, Kelley and Anika, Sarah and Ali, and ChiChi and Pappy with Gwen and Luc all came to Mothers Beach this afternoon. 

Swimming with Pappy

Playing with Pappy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Dentist- Check-up and Cavity

Mikaela had a check-up today at the dentist and unfortunately had another cavity.  Poor thing has been cursed by her mommy and daddy and not that great of teeth.  She was so brave and cooperative.  She wanted to get the cavity filed that day, I think she was more excited to watch a movie on the TV that is on the ceiling.  This time around I choose to have them give her the laughing gas.  What a great idea, she was so calm and did fantastic.  She acting quite silly, I was told I should have video taped her.  After the dentist I treated her to a Jamba Juice then we went to swim lessons. 

She loved her nose.  Clown nose like Steve as she called it.  The smell was strawberry, yum