Sunday, September 30, 2007

Long Week

I know I have not been keeping everyone posted this last week but I have been doing so many things with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Papa Lee that I have not had time. Mommy went back to work at the dance studio this week. She is glad to be back, sad to leave me, and very out of shape. Daddy did not have to go work out of town because of the wild animals that might eat him while he is out there (thank goodness he stayed here) Grandma has been taking me shopping lots of places and Papa Lee has been playing with me every morning.
Friday the Smith family came over to see us. Jacob played with Bodie and Aly was crawling all over, I can't wait till I am doing that.

Saturday Mommy, Daddy and me hosted girls/guys/kids night, Jamie, Leo, Leslie, Ryan, Rachael, Andy, Lucas, Bobby, Jill, Devon, Celeste. The girls sat and chit-chatted all night while watching us kids, the boys played pocker and us kids hung out. This was offically Lucas and my first girls night. As you can see all of us kids passed out toward the end of the night. So much fun we just could not take it anymore.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Brunch and Lazy Sunday

hat We went to brunch with the Biehn Family at Johnny Rebs, one of grandma and papa Lee's favorite resturants. Everyone had a good time catching up, talking about the past and eatting. I wore my onsie that says it all "Daddy's Little Girl" After brunch we came home and relaxed for the ret of the Sunday. Grandma and Grandpa Stevens came by to see us all and so did Tanya, Tyler and Kameron Hailey. Jerry Biehn
Brenda and Gran
Looking at Daddy
Take a nap with the family, me, mommy, daddy, and Bodie

Kameron Hailey

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grandma Chi Chi's house

Last night we went to Grnadma Chi Chi's house in Huntington Beach because Aunt Michelle was in town from Las Vegas with Jorban and Rich. Mommy and daddy had lots of fun talking and catching up with everyone. Mommy also had a small photo session with Lucas for Aunt Rachael. I had a great time with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Papa Lee, Grandma Chi Chi, Pappy, Aunt Rachael, Uncle Andy, Lucas, Grandma Paula, Robert, Brittany, Aunt Michelle, Rich, Jordan, Aunt Ryann, Uncle Jeremy. (I think I got everyone)

Aunt Michelle Grandma Paula
Aunt Ryann has Lucas and Uncle Jeremy has me (they are ready to babysit)
Grandma Chi Chi with me, Aunt Ryann, Aunt Rachael, and Lucas
Kisses from Grandma ChiChi

Lucas Andrew Law

Aunt Rachael and her BABY!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Grandma Time

My grandma has been here for 5 days and can you believe this is the first picture I have of just her and me! She has been so great with me and she put me to sleep Friday afternoon before Mommy, Grandma and Pam Lee went to lunch. Me and my Paci

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Doctor Visit

I have been so busy since Grandma and Papa Lee have been here I have not had time to blog. If you know my Grandma you know that we have been shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Tuesday evening the Barela's came to visit and last nigtt we to the dance studio to visit.
I also went to the doctors yesturday. I have been a very gassy little girl, I have got some strong poots, watch out!!! I now weigh 10lbs 10oz and I am colicy. Mommy is going to cut diary products out of her diet and I get to drink some camamile tea. My fussy time is usually around 6ish and does not happen every night. I am still letting mommy get sleep at night, not all night, only getting up once, but thats not too bad huh.
This is me after my bath last night in my teddy bear towel.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Meeting my Aunties from S/B

Tonight I got to meet all of my wonderful AUNTIES of my grandma's "stitchery" group. Each one of them got a turn holding me and giving advice. We played a new game called "Pass the Baby." Papa Lee also got to hold me for the first time.
Papa Lee holding me and loving every minute of it.

Auntie Loretta

Auntie LindaAuntie Merry

Auntie Elaine

Auntie Cheryl Auntie Bobbie Auntie JackieAuntie SueAuntie Cathi
Missed Auntie Sharon, hope to see her soon!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Grandma and Papa Lee

I met my grandma and papa Lee. They drove over 2,000 miles from Georgia to see me. They left on Thursday the 13th and arrived Sunday afternoon. I look forward to spending lots of time with them.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Professional 1 Month Pictures

These are my professional 1 month pictures take by Stephanie at Classic Imagine Photography.
No one can say they don't know who my daddy is!
Look I am a little version of Daddy!
Momy and Me So precious

Family Gathering

After our photo session we traveled out to Riverside for Aunt Barbara's Birthday Bash! This was the first time that I got to meet some of daddy's side of the family. We had a great time and can't wait to see everyone again! Tabby is holding me in this picture, Amy is next to mommy and Aunt Wendy is on the far left.

Friday, September 14, 2007


After having a great night of sleep (I slept from 9:30pm to 5:45am, wow for only being 1 month) mommy caught a couple of my smiles on camera this morning. She says I started smiling yesterday at her. And yes I know I have BIG eyes!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

1 Month Old

It is my 1 month birthday!!! Time has just gone by so fast. Mommy is going to take my picture next to this teddy bear to show how much I grow each month. I was not too happy to take the second picture, as you can see, but that dress belonged to mommy when she was a little girl.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Play time

Since I have not been sleeping as much because I am getting older (1 month birthday tomorrow) I have had more play time. Today I played on my jungle mat, I like zebras like mommy and I also got to swing in my swing, it keeps me calm.
Bodie watched me and can't wait till I can play with him.

I was so tired after all that playing I had to take a nap, mommy coupld not resist taking a picture of me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bottle Time with Daddy

Tonight was the first time that daddy has got to feed me. This was my very first bottle feeding. Daddy was very happy to have this time with me!
He better get use to this because I love to eat!!!!!