Friday, January 30, 2009

Beautiful Weather

Since we have been having such great weather I have been playing outside more. I love to be outside. Today while we were in the front yard the squirrel decided he wanted to say hello to us. He ran from across the street to our front yard, then over to the neighbors yard.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today durning my nap mommy thought I looked so peaceful and comfortable she wanted to take a picture.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday BODIE!

Today my doggie, Bodie, turned 2 years old. Daddy let me give him a rawhide and he also got a special phone message from Nonna and Papa saying Happy Birthday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Tent

I got to set up the new tent that mommy and daddy got me. It is very cute and has butterflies on it. I love to run inside of it, then right back out.
I also got to watch the dance show today at the dance studio. I loved watching them dance and smile. Mommy said they all did a very good job tonight. Way to go SFS Dancers!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today was a great day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA CHI CHI. We started the day by heading out to give Grandma Chi Chi some flowers for her birthday. We then went to Gymboree class and on the way to Gymboree mommy let me watch Elmo in the car. She let me wear the earphones so she could list to music while I listed too "La La La-La La La La Elmos World" it was great. After Gymboree was lunch and nap. After my nap I let mommy put in 2 pigtails. I usually only let Lorannie do this, but mommy got to today. She was so happy that is why she took my picture. She also says to ignore the dirty window behind me. HAHAHA Here they are, my 2 piggy tails.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

32 things for 2009

Mommy told me today that she would like a turn at the BLOG, just for 1 post she said.
Everyone here is MOMMY!
I know that we are half way through the first month of 2009 but I have come up some new challenges for the new year. (thanks Gina) I have posted 32 things for 2009 in a column on the right hand side of Mikaela's Blog and as I achieve these things I will be changing the font color. My good friend Gina inspired me to make this list (she did 50) and said "there is something about having a list written down that gives me extra motivation." I could not agree with her more.
Check out my list for 2009 and if there is any thoughts or ideas on how to achieve some of these drop me an email. I also challenge everyone else to make a list. It is pretty easy once you get going.
Thanks Baby Girl for letting mommy have a post on the BLOG!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historical day is the United States

Mommy said that today was an unforgettable day and that we should be "Proud to be an American" like Lee Greenwod says. Today President Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States of Americaand history was made. What a wonderful day and truely a historical moment. Obama promises a new era of “hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”
This is the picture of the beautiful sky this morning when mommy dropped me off at Lorraine's . Does it get much better than this??? What a wonderful day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daddy's New Toy

Daddy bought a Dirt Bike this weekend and went to go ride it with some work friends.

While mommy was cooking dinner tonight (this is the 3rd week in a row she has cooked 3 nights a week, way to go mommy) I was helping Bodie eat his dinner. I thought he needed a spoon to eat his food.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Carley's 5th Birthday

Today we went to Carley's 5th birthday party at Air Kids Party Zone. We got there a little late and we had to leave early because mommy had to be at the studio for rehearsal but I had fun the short time I was there and got to say hello to the birthday girl. I really enjoyed collecting the balls they had everywhere, I was not interested in jumping.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Watching Bodie

I thought it was so funny to lay down and look at Bodie through the sliding glass door. I have also learned to climb on top of the toy chest but I only sit up there not stand. Mommy found this funny becaseu I never showed any interest of climbing up on the fireplace. I just recently started trying on Mommy and Daddy's shoes. These are mommy's flip flops, a little too big I would say

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beautiful Day

Our weather has been beautiful this last week who could resist being outside. After Gymboree class and lunch mommy and I went outside to play just before my nap. Where else but in Southern California would it be 85 degrees in the middle of January.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bath Time with Daddy

Tonight during my bathtime with daddy I discovered a new hat. Daddy snapped this pictures of me wearing it and sent to mommy while she was at work. I love the bath.
By the way I am 17 months today, almost 1 1/2!!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today when mommy picked me up from Lorraines I had pigtails in my hair. Auntie Lorannie told mommy that I went and got the brush from the bathroom and asked her to do my hair like the other Mikala at the sitters.

Mommy was asking me where my nose is
My ears
I love to call people on my phone.

Saying BYE, this is my favorite word to say. I also usually say it pretty loud too.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dinner with Lucas

We meet Uncle Andy and Luc for dinner tonight at East Side Mario's. Aunt Rachael was also able to come once the Miss Bell Gardens pageant was over. We had the whole patio to ourselves so Luc and I had lots of fun playing in the patio and chasing each other.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to Gymboree

Today I went back to Gymboree class since before the holidays and I am now in Level 4. Exploring new things and playing is what I love to do.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Amber Turns 1

Tonight we went to Hullabaloos Clubhouse to celebrate Amber's 1st birthday. There was a tree house, a bounce slide, karaoke and a play center. I had lots of fun playing. Amber had a lady bug theme for her birthday. She ever wore lady bug antlers. Happy Birthday Amber, thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. Riding the motorcycle

Me and the teddy bear

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Big Bear

We went to Big Bear for a weekend for some relaxation and to start 2009 with a vacation. Daddy rented a cute little cabin in Big Bear for 3 nights. Daddy, Mommy, Bodie me and Auntie Brittany all went to Big Bear. I had lots of fun playing in the snow and learning how to throw snowballs. This post is broken down into 3 days so it is kind of long. But the picures are great!
DAY 1:

This was our Big Bear cabin, Ceska Serenity.As soon as we got to the cabin and unloaded everything from the car we put on our snow gear and headed outside to play in the snow.
Throwing my first snowball I caught on pretty fast.

Bodie loved to pounce in the snow and eat snowballsAll three of us in our snow gear
Auntie Brittany

DAY 2:

We had cereal at the cabin and just relaxed until lunch time. Daddy went riding with Mark and Uncle Andy and us girls stayed back at the cabin. We went back out to play in the snow when Daddy went to ride his bike. We started to make a snowman but it was soon interrupted when I started to get very tired. Once daddy got home we went to dinner with Mark and Vicki at a Mexican restaurant. The Law family was also up in Big Bear for a Family vacation. We got to see them briefly at dinner.

Standing on the deck watching Auntie make a snowman Bodie was watching too
Trying to help Auntie

I loved eating the snow.
DAY 3:
Once again we had breakfast at the cabin, Daddy cooked. Then we headed into the Village to do some shopping. While in the Village we say some very big Husky doggies and horses. Auntie Brittany bought some shoes and mommy bought a shirt. We had lunch a the Big Bear Cafe. Once we got home I went down for a nap, Daddy headed into Sugarloaf to look at cabins for sale, and mommy and Aunt Brittany read their books. Soon before I woke up from my nap it started SNOWING! Mommy and Aunt Brittany had just started getting their snow gear on and I woke up. Thank goodness! I got to go play in the snow. It was so much fun. Once daddy got home we all jumped in the car and headed the short 1 mile to the Law's cabin to do some sledding. I really did not care too much for the sledding part but I really enjoyed eating the snow. Luc thought that sledding was great and giggled the whole way down.

Catching snowflakes on my tongue.

First snow that Aunt Brittany has played in

Mommy let me take my tea cup outside to play in the snow.
Auntie was picking up the snow and throwing it over my head. I thought that was so funny Auntie making a snow angel.
Sledding with Daddy Daddy and Uncle Andy were going so fast the blurred the picture
They were even go so fast they went over the stopping hillI still like to eat the snow, see the heeping amount of snow in my cup Aunt Rachael and Luc
Looking down the hill from the Law's cabin
Giggly Lucas Aunt Brittany sledding
After sledding we headed back into the warm house to sit next to the fire, drink some hot chocolate, and dance on the Ya Gabba Gabba Dance Mat we got Luc for Christmas.
Once back at our cabin daddy made tacos and for dessert I got to share some ice cream with Auntie.
We had such a wonderful time in Big Bear and I can't wait to go back.