Saturday, July 30, 2011

OC Fair

We love going to the OC Fair and once again it did not disappoint us.  We ate lots of delicious food (fried everything), Mikaela rode some rides, went to the petting zoo, looking at the animals and shopped.  We had a wonderful evening. 
Auntie showing Addison the baby chicks
Pa letting Mikaela pet the baby chicks
Grammy bought Mikaela and umbrella and they put her name on it

Petting zoo
It was crazy in there.  Those animals love to get feed and will eat anything

Mikaela was spacific on which animals she wanted to feed, she would generally pick the ones that were laying down or not bothering her.  She told a few of them to "get away"

The deer

Auntie and Mikaela
A ride with mommy

Ferris Wheel with daddy

Watching her daddy and sister

She loves snakes
Love this
The biggest cow EVER
Finally pony ride time

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