Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

We got int the car and headed to Riverside to meet Matt's mom's side of the family (yearly traadition) at around 3pm.  Traffic was great, which it never is and we met them at a resturant called Anchos.  Very delicious Mexican food with homemade tortillas, delicious.  We then went over to Lyel's (Jill's, sisters, son) house for dessert, white elephant gift, kids gifts, and the traditional family pictures.  It was a lot smaller than normal this year and the only kids that were there in fact were ours and Matt's sister Julies kids, Rosslyn and Stewart.  Once we got home Mikaela put the cookies on Santa's plate, poured him some milk and set out some carrots for the reindeer.  I just so happen to leave my phone in the den and caught a picture of Santa this year by our tree.  Another sucessful Christmas Eve. 

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids
Matt's family (minus Wendy and Jesse)
Andrew, Julie, Stewart, Bill, Addison and Jill, Rosslyn, Mikaela, me and Matt 
Addison bloomers has Santa on them.  She recieved them last year from a friend and I was very happy they fit again this year.

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