Sunday, January 4, 2009

Big Bear

We went to Big Bear for a weekend for some relaxation and to start 2009 with a vacation. Daddy rented a cute little cabin in Big Bear for 3 nights. Daddy, Mommy, Bodie me and Auntie Brittany all went to Big Bear. I had lots of fun playing in the snow and learning how to throw snowballs. This post is broken down into 3 days so it is kind of long. But the picures are great!
DAY 1:

This was our Big Bear cabin, Ceska Serenity.As soon as we got to the cabin and unloaded everything from the car we put on our snow gear and headed outside to play in the snow.
Throwing my first snowball I caught on pretty fast.

Bodie loved to pounce in the snow and eat snowballsAll three of us in our snow gear
Auntie Brittany

DAY 2:

We had cereal at the cabin and just relaxed until lunch time. Daddy went riding with Mark and Uncle Andy and us girls stayed back at the cabin. We went back out to play in the snow when Daddy went to ride his bike. We started to make a snowman but it was soon interrupted when I started to get very tired. Once daddy got home we went to dinner with Mark and Vicki at a Mexican restaurant. The Law family was also up in Big Bear for a Family vacation. We got to see them briefly at dinner.

Standing on the deck watching Auntie make a snowman Bodie was watching too
Trying to help Auntie

I loved eating the snow.
DAY 3:
Once again we had breakfast at the cabin, Daddy cooked. Then we headed into the Village to do some shopping. While in the Village we say some very big Husky doggies and horses. Auntie Brittany bought some shoes and mommy bought a shirt. We had lunch a the Big Bear Cafe. Once we got home I went down for a nap, Daddy headed into Sugarloaf to look at cabins for sale, and mommy and Aunt Brittany read their books. Soon before I woke up from my nap it started SNOWING! Mommy and Aunt Brittany had just started getting their snow gear on and I woke up. Thank goodness! I got to go play in the snow. It was so much fun. Once daddy got home we all jumped in the car and headed the short 1 mile to the Law's cabin to do some sledding. I really did not care too much for the sledding part but I really enjoyed eating the snow. Luc thought that sledding was great and giggled the whole way down.

Catching snowflakes on my tongue.

First snow that Aunt Brittany has played in

Mommy let me take my tea cup outside to play in the snow.
Auntie was picking up the snow and throwing it over my head. I thought that was so funny Auntie making a snow angel.
Sledding with Daddy Daddy and Uncle Andy were going so fast the blurred the picture
They were even go so fast they went over the stopping hillI still like to eat the snow, see the heeping amount of snow in my cup Aunt Rachael and Luc
Looking down the hill from the Law's cabin
Giggly Lucas Aunt Brittany sledding
After sledding we headed back into the warm house to sit next to the fire, drink some hot chocolate, and dance on the Ya Gabba Gabba Dance Mat we got Luc for Christmas.
Once back at our cabin daddy made tacos and for dessert I got to share some ice cream with Auntie.
We had such a wonderful time in Big Bear and I can't wait to go back.

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