Sunday, November 14, 2010

Visitors at Home and Hospital

Addison and I got lots of visitors in the hospital and at home.  Here are some people that came by to see us.
My dear friend Leslie, Aunt Leslie to the girls
My father-in-law Bill, aka Grandpa
Auntie Ryann
Dulce, one of the moms from the studio
Dear friend Jamie and her husband Leo, Aunt Jamie
Robert, Pa to Mikaela and Addison
Brittany, Auntie
 Paula's Dad, Chief
Mother-in-law, aka Grandma
Mama J with Addison
The Clark Family, this is Debbie
Gina, Cameron, and Cole
Cameron was excited to hold her
Tanya, another studio mom
Ericka and Russ
I missed taking a picture of a few of you that came by to meet Addison, sorry. 

Thank you everyone for coming to see us and also thank you to those of you that brough us food.  We really appreciate everything you have all done for us.  We are blessed to have good friends and a wonderful family.

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