Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bed Stuff

I have done a post a long time ago about the amount of animals Mikaela sleeps with.  Well the tradition has continued with Addison.  Here is the girls beds and there bed things
3 pillows: Flip Flop, Flower and blue body pillow
2 pillow pets: Mini Zebra and Ladybug
3 blankets: Disney tie princess, a sleep sack that i cut out the zipper when she was a baby and it has turned into a blanket, and teddy bear (which when she gets up every morning comes with her)
9 stuffed animals:  Wally the alligator, seahorse from her first trip to the LB Aquarium, Shamu from her first trip to Sea World, 2 bears she got as a baby gift, a beany baby that says Baby Girl on it, a bunny from Grammy's house, a dog that looks like Bodie that my mom got her, and a Glowworm the Chi Chi bought her when she was 1 week old.

4 blankets: one with her name on it, a receiving blanket, a ballerina blanket, and a tag blanket that was Mikaela's but she never used
1 pillow pet:  a mini Giraffe give to her by her sister
4 animals and a doll: a lamb that was Mikaela's give to her by an aunt, a pink musical zebra from Jamie, a dolly that she got for her 1st Christmas, a Leap Frog dog that plays music and says her name from the Law', and a Glow Sea Horse from Chi Chi.
1 Sound Machine: it plays ocean sounds for 25 minutes

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