Sunday, September 30, 2007

Long Week

I know I have not been keeping everyone posted this last week but I have been doing so many things with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Papa Lee that I have not had time. Mommy went back to work at the dance studio this week. She is glad to be back, sad to leave me, and very out of shape. Daddy did not have to go work out of town because of the wild animals that might eat him while he is out there (thank goodness he stayed here) Grandma has been taking me shopping lots of places and Papa Lee has been playing with me every morning.
Friday the Smith family came over to see us. Jacob played with Bodie and Aly was crawling all over, I can't wait till I am doing that.

Saturday Mommy, Daddy and me hosted girls/guys/kids night, Jamie, Leo, Leslie, Ryan, Rachael, Andy, Lucas, Bobby, Jill, Devon, Celeste. The girls sat and chit-chatted all night while watching us kids, the boys played pocker and us kids hung out. This was offically Lucas and my first girls night. As you can see all of us kids passed out toward the end of the night. So much fun we just could not take it anymore.

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